Friday, July 24, 2015


We have been researching body cameras for over 2 years. There appear to be many solutions and many cameras on the market. Titan Body Camera from IL seems to be making a name for themselves. There solution appears to be the easiest most affordable and efficient device and solution on the market.

Many dash cam providers are trying to lure there current departments in by connecting there camera to there current dash cam device.  However at the end of the day it makes most sense to keep these videos completely separate. The laws for body cameras state that only "FLAGGED" footage be kept for more then 90 days. Any other footage can be deleted every 90 days. Keeping these videos together is just not logical as the dash cam footage is used more frequently and will still be used more often.

Titans Body Camera system simply only requires the officers to know how to work the camera. Once they have established this, they can simply dock there camera into the Data Acquisition unit and walk away. Titans Unit will extract the data, charge the device and prepare for next shift.

It will then store the data by camera model#. data and time, as well as officer name.

Titans solution seems to good to be true, but its a solution that is making its way across the United States.

We spoke to Titan regarding these Body Cameras and they stated.

" We know we have a lot of competition out there, but we believe that our device can go toe to toe with anyone. We beleive everyone is simply complicating things when they dont need to be. Our law enforcement agencies have enough to worry about, we should be making using these devices easy. Titan simply wants to provide the easiest form of Body Camera technology available at the most affordable price on the market."



Friday, June 19, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015

Body Camers For Police Officers.

Body Cameras are becoming more and more popular by the day. Everyday when you turn on the news or open a newspaper there is something pertaining the use and implementation of the Body Worn Camera technology. We have been researching these unique devices for over a year, and there dosent seem to be a lot of options. Most of the cameras on the market appear to have most of the same functions however some of them have additional accessories that make the implementing and using the cameras more easy then others.

Below is a company called TITAN BODY CAMERA. This was the only company that seems to many different options available for single users, small police department and even very large departments.

Titan Body Camera created a docking station that essentially extracts the data from the devices after a shift and stores the data into a Data Acquisition Center. These Units can hold years worth of data and can be backed up into a server or cloud. These Data Acquisition Centers also allow the officer to view the data directly from the terminal, however it is completely tamper proof meaning the officer can not delete or edit any of the footage that is uploaded.

From the information we gathered we know that most police officers want something that is going to be easy. Titans system only requires the officers to plug there cameras into the system type in a there badge number and password and walk away. Titans secure data management system does the rest.

For more information check out